Hybrid 3D Printed Object

 Okie dokie we're coming up on the homestretch, as I write this I have one class left! (oof how time flies lol) its been a long time since i wrote one of these too ;3c

So for this project we were to create about 6 models in Rhino or like meshmixer or tinkercad (which i wish i knew before i was writing lmao ;3c) and then pick a contender to be fused against its will to the model selected by your parter, yep its a group project lmao!!! 

I got paired with Trina for this one, and she had some great designs for this project


a lil more organized than my literal graveyard lmao


So from our lil menagerie our original choices were to combine these two lil beauties:

the happy couple

Originally we were gonna have a funky lil design like this:

garlic tower: maximize

So the lil garlic spire was our first attempt, and originally we thought it was gonna work, we even hollowed out garlic for maximum coolness:

really just to eliminate tricky slopes but who's counting?

However just like any child, garlic tower did not want to co-operate with us and we had to abandon ship to get a working model. Luckily Trina has Rhino at home and she got a working model made over the weekend with two other structures!

i call this the funky teardrop

From her lil teardrop design, she meshed it together with one of the pieces of one of my models, lovingly dubbed just now to be Onion Boy (second from the right in the front row of my graveyard). From what i remember, she took my lil guy and BooleanDifference'ed it into the teardrop, creating the funky caved in surface ;3c

and from that it was time to 3D print!! :^D

there he go

our little boy is growing up

However it is here we hit a lil snag, lil baby boy has quite the steep slope on the front, and when 3D printing, the plastic doesnt really wanna attach properly :^/

ruh roh

I have faith however that the lil guy is gonna turn out just fine :3c as I write this i havent seen the final completed print but come Wednesday i think we're gonna be pleased with how it turns out, so heres hoping!! :3

also sorry theres no pencil sketches of concept designs lmao we forgot


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