Ceramic 3D Print: The Final Bloggening

welp this is it, the final post. Gotta say its been a good run lmao i had a good time :3c but time to get to the meat of this: The Ceramic 3D Print

so first off, update! got to finally see what the regular 3D print looked like so here it is!


actually turned out really good in my opinion, theres a lil splitting of the plastic in the middle but its still holding together! its currently on my dresser, i got to keep it lmao (thanks Trina!)

So where do we go from there? its easy: c l a y

For this last iteration, the groups meshed together and from 2 became 4 as we combined our ideas into one last model to print in clay!!

Trina and I were paired with Kyle and Vanessa, and so from there we got to work

the sketches of a madman

trying to combine the two, we came up with an idea to remove one of the pieces from Kyle and Vanessa's object, enlarge it, and somehow tried to fit the wavy edge into it like some kind of waterfall

"tried" is the keyword here

this was an attempt to BooleanDifference our wavy part onto this cylinder I believe, trying to make a cookie-cut piece that would just fit into the object seamless

something mustve worked somewhere

sorry to say i didnt have any other pictures of the inbetween :^/ but this is the final model! and from there its everyones favourite part: 3D printing with the clay! ;3c

it begins


 there he go

almost there


in all his glory

Gotta say it was really cool watching our object being 3D printed with clay :3c it was a really fun sendoff to a fun class

But this is where i take my leave! its the last blog post! will i delete this blog? heck no lmao
i hope to eventually use it again in the future, so who knows whats gonna happen, until then ;3c

                                                                                   -Clarice H 


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